is the Spanish word for Bobbin Lace. Bobbin lace was brought to us here in the Caribbean by our Spanish Conquistadores, back when they discovered Puerto Rico and thought it would be a nice place to settle. This goes back to 1493! The intricate work and design of the finished pieces make it desirable to use in baby apparel, wedding gowns and handkerchief even to adorn the cuffs of the judges in court!
Lace is our week 3 prompt here at our beautiful world!

It is time consuming as you can only weave several inches in an hour, depending on the complexity of the chosen design. The pillow that we use is a puertorican design, in other parts of the world it is done in a flat pillow but we have a roling design and a place to store our pins and bobbins!
Lace is our week 3 prompt here at our beautiful world!

It is time consuming as you can only weave several inches in an hour, depending on the complexity of the chosen design. The pillow that we use is a puertorican design, in other parts of the world it is done in a flat pillow but we have a roling design and a place to store our pins and bobbins!
I always wanted to learn the craft and I had the opportunity to learn with an old master
"Doña Cayita" while I was pregnant with my daughter. So the lace you see here was done by me. Presently the bobbins are tangled and I have not retaken my work, which I should being that Mercedes is now old enough to learn.
See how our pillow is different?
This is the back where you can see my progress to learn how to do flowers ;)
and you also can see the pricked pattern you need to prepare before you work the lace. I have to share that the sound the bobbins make while you work is very soothing. I have a set of bamboo that totally sing when you use them. I also have a set made out of bone that is part of the traditional materials and have a fantastic sound while you weave.
The pieces that have the bobbin lace attached to them are kept as heirlooms, for example the receiving blanket my mom used to bring me home from the hospital was the same I used to bring my son and daughter from the hospital too. It has already been washed and saved for the next generation as they are weaved in pure cotton and invariably attached to linen fabric.
I hope you have enjoyed a bit of history with me and I will share a link of a local museum where you can see several ladies working on the craft!
I can't wait to see what you share with us at
Ohhh, I LOVE listening to you telling about the history of this art. I'm in AWE, you did unbelievable gorgeous work with the bobbin lace!!. I saw on Pinterest once, a picture of an old lady in Europe demo-ing making intricate lace and here you are, knowing how to do this :). Bravo!!.
The pictures you shared here comforts my heart :).
Oh my goodness dear Milagros... that is pure art!! What a beautiful ancient craft that is and yours is gorgeous. Now I want to learn myself too :) The cushion you use for it looks very handy. Thank you for sharing this with us sweetie, loved reading the story behind it!
Hugs and happy Sunday!
WOW!! These are stunning shots and how wonderful that you can do this ... I am in awe! I am loving this sharing ... And I hear that you and Kirsty will be getting together ... oh I wish I were there too ... Have a wonderful time ... hugs to you!
Oh wow, I love the story behind your beautiful work, and I just can't take my eyes of that project, wow, what a lot of effort and time you have put in this delicate project, wonderful share!!!!
I have always wanted to learn how to do this! It would be so much fun to take a class, and learn. beautiful work, so evenly woven....I will have to buy some of the bobbins I am always so tempted to buy, NOW I have a reason (excuse!) LOL
Wow! I've tried doing lace like this once and I ended up with something like a miniature fishing net together with a huge mess. :D
Oh my goodness that is so amazing What intricate work. It is beautiful .. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
OMGoodness, this is the MOST beautiful and amazing post! I have learned so much, and my jaw is hanging open. I had NO idea how any of this was done! So, so cool, Milagros! Thanks for sharing!
Oh your bobbin lace are so beautiful, I know bobbin lace is not so easy to make I have made a few myself, lovely to read your story.
Thank You so much for sharing!!
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